"Our goal is to develop subspecialized radiologists who will become leading members of their future practices, and who will continue to advance the practice of radiology throughout their careers."
The University of Wisconsin Department of Radiology offers fellowship opportunities in Abdominal Imaging and Intervention, Breast Imaging, Thoracic Imaging, Clinical MRI, Musculoskeletal Imaging, PET-CT/Molecular Imaging, a combined MRI/MBA fellowship, and Neuroradiology. Additionally, we partner with the Department of Neurological Surgery to offer a Neuroendovascular Surgery fellowship.
All our fellowships at the University of Wisconsin Department of Radiology share a common goal: to develop subspecialized radiologists who will become leading members of their future practices and who will continue to advance the practice of radiology throughout their careers. The faculty who train our fellows are internationally recognized authorities who truly enjoy teaching residents and fellows. Our equipment is state-of-the-art in all areas, including a full suite of advanced ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET/MRI, and PET/CT devices. The UW Department of Radiology has a long history of partnering with industry to bring new imaging advances to market, from originating digital subtraction angiography, to developing time-resolved MR angiography and (more recently) serving as the academic incubator for some of the most innovative companies in microwave ablation technology and radiology informatics. Due to strong collaborative efforts with the University of Wisconsin Department of Medical Physics (one of the largest medical physics departments in the nation), the UW Department of Radiology routinely assists in the development and testing of new MRI, CT, PET/MRI, PET/CT, ultrasound, and ablation technology.
There are ample opportunities and resources for research, including access to the Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research (WIMR), a unique multispecialty collaborative facility with laboratories for developing and producing contrast agents and isotopes (including a cyclotron); image-guided ablation and radiation facilities; a variety of other research laboratories including an animal surgery center and elastography and radiofrequency laboratories; pre-clinical scanners including micro CT, micro PET/CT, angiography units, and a 4.7 T small-bore MRI system; and clinical scanners including 64-slice dual energy CT, 1.5 T and 3 T MRI, PET/CT, PET/MRI, and 192-channel and 64-channel ultrasound. Formal and informal opportunities to teach our excellent residents and medical students abound. Fellows can engage in easily accessed moonlighting and “daylighting” options for additional income and as a useful bridge to full independent practice. Our fellows are an important part of the UW Radiology family and help create the collegial atmosphere we treasure at UW–Madison. As a bonus, Madison is a thriving, energetic community with all the amenities you might expect for a city hosting a Big 10 academic campus. Madison and the surrounding communities are perennial favorites on “best cities” lists, with a seemingly endless array of leisure and community activities. For specific information and applications for any one of these fellowships, please access the individual program information from the links below. For more general questions regarding fellowships in the University of Wisconsin Department of Radiology, please feel free to email me. Sincerely, Gregory D Avey, MD Director of Fellowships Department of Radiology UWSMPH GAvey@uwhealth.org