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Cai Awarded a R01 Grant on Development of Molecular Imaging Agents

Weibo Cai, Assistant Professor of Radiology and Medical Physics (http://mi.wisc.edu/), was recently awarded a NIH R01 grant which starts in April 2013. The grant is focused on the development of novel positron emission tomography (PET) imaging agents...

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Dr. Hinshaw accepts Editor's Recognition Award from Radiology

At the end of last month, J. Louis Hinshaw, MD, received the honor of the 2012 Editor’s Recognition Award with Distinction from the journal Radiology. The recognition, according to a statement by Editor Herbert Y. Kressel, MD, is awarded to only ...

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New Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Gaggl integrates fields for patient care

At the nexus of computer science, biophysics and cutting-edge imaging research, you find the UWSMPH Department of Radiology’s new Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Wolfgang Gaggl. A proponent of translational research, Gaggl hopes to utilize the fostering ...

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Wisconsin Oncology Network of Imaging Excellence: WONIX

If you listened to Gov. Scott Walker’s 2013-2015 budget address, you may be curious about a special provision in the budget called the Wisconsin Oncology Network of Imaging Excellence, or WONIX. We are delighted that the Governor included this ...

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UW radiology researchers make impressive showing at SAR conference

At a recent conference in Maui, Hawaii, members of the Department of Radiology swept the Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR) with award winning research papers and posters. At the conference of the SAR, which aims to contribute to the scientific and...

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