Associate Professor (CHS)
- Section Chief, Breast Imaging and Intervention

Mai Elezaby, MD is an associate professor of radiology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, the chief of Breast Imaging and Intervention section in the UW Department of Radiology, and a UW Health radiologist.
Dr. Elezaby graduated from Cairo University Faculty of Medicine, in Cairo, Egypt, where she also completed a Diagnostic Radiology residency and obtained her master’s degree in radiology. Following her transition to the U.S., Dr. Elezaby completed a diagnostic radiology residency and fellowship training in Breast Imaging and Intervention at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics.
Dr. Elezaby’s academic career has focused on promoting breast imaging education through her national and global outreach work. Dr. Elezaby’s clinical practice focuses on improving access as well as performance of screening and diagnostic breast imaging services for -patients with the focus on narrowing the gap between routine practice and national benchmarks.
A strong advocate of global outreach in radiology education, Dr. Elezabyis the director of the Online Learning Center for RAD-AID International, a non-profit organization focusing on the promotion of radiology program development and education through global outreach efforts.
- Medical School Cairo University, Egypt - 1997
- Residency University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics - 2011
- Residency Cairo University, Egypt - 2000
- Fellowship University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics - 2011
In the News
- Publications by UW Radiology Members Finalized in January 2025
- Faculty host mentoring event for medical students
- Department highlights from RSNA 2024
- Publications by UW Radiology Faculty Finalized in October 2024
- Wisconsin Public Radio interviews Mai Elezaby, MD
- Radiologists in Real Life: A HOPE Seminar Encourages High School Students to Consider Careers in Radiology
- NBC 15 Interviewed Mai Elezaby Regarding Breast Density
- Mai Elezaby Presents Webinar on Transgender Breast Imaging
- UW Radiology Hosts Amy Patel for Grand Rounds
- Four Radiology Faculty Hosting Office of Multicultural Affairs Dinners
- Department Has Record-Setting Number of BEAM Mentors
- Breast Imaging Section Receives Best Poster Award at IWBI