Tabassum (Tabby) Kennedy, MD
Associate Professor (CHS)
Vice Chair of Communications
Section Chief of Neuroradiology
Dr. Tabby Kennedy is an associate professor (CHS) in the Department of Radiology. She joined the department in July 2010 after completing a two-year fellowship here at UW–Madison. Dr. Kennedy earned her medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania and residency at the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology in St. Louis. Dr. Kennedy’s clinical expertise is in head and neck imaging where she focuses on head and neck cancer, temporal bone, orbital and sinonasal imaging. Dr. Kennedy is a well-recognized trailblazer in medical student, residency, and fellowship education and has won numerous teaching awards for her efforts.
BA – Pomona College, Neuroscience
MD – University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Residencies & Internships
Internship, Transitional Medicine – Presbyterian Hospital, University of Pennsylvania
Residency, Diagnostic Radiology – Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology
Neuroradiology – University of Wisconsin, Madison
Board Certifications
Specialty/Subspecialty Certification
2008 – Diplomate, American Board of Radiology
2010 – Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ), Neuroradiology
Medical or Other Professional Licensure
2008 – Wisconsin
2020 – Illinois
National Honors
2021 ASNR Outstanding Contributions In Neuroradiology Education Award
2020 ASNR/ACR/AAWR Women in Neuroradiology Leadership Award
Teaching Awards
2021 SMPH Graduation “Marshal” Selected by the SMPH graduating 4th year medical students
2021 Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association Distinguished Clinical Science Teaching Award; University of Wisconsin SMPH, award chosen by 4th year medical students given annually to a single clinical faculty member at the SMPH
2020 SMPH Graduation “Hooder” Selected as the single clinical faculty representative for the SMPH by 4th year medical student class
2020 AOA, Faculty University of Wisconsin-Madison Chapter
2019 Radiology Department Medical Student Teacher of the Year ; University of Wisconsin, Department of Radiology, annual award chosen by medical students
2017 Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association Distinguished Clinical Science Teaching Award; University of Wisconsin SMPH, award chosen by 4th year medical students given annually to a single clinical faculty member at the SMPH
2015 Dean’s Teaching Award; University of Wisconsin SMPH Award selected by peers
2011 Teacher of the Year, elected by the UW department of Radiology residents
Hospital Awards
2013 Improving the Patient Experience of Care Award, UW Health Quality and Safety Week (2013), Stroke Code Communication Compliance Practice Quality Improvement project
Professional Society Memberships
Radiological Society of North America
American Society of Neuroradiology
American Society of Head and Neck Radiology
American College of Radiology
American Roentgen Ray Society
Association of University Radiologists
American Association of Women Radiologists
Departmental Committees
Radiology Resident Education Committee
Radiology Medical Student Education Committee
Radiology Resident Clinical Competence Committee Member
Radiology Neuroradiology Fellow Clinical Competence Committee Chair
Clinical Science Teaching Award Goes to Tabby Kennedy
Tabby Kennedy Selected for ASNR Neuroradiology Education Award
Tabby Kennedy Receives Multiple Honors
Department Faculty Selected to Participate in Class of 2020 UWSMPH Graduation Recognition Ceremony
Beyond the AJR: Isolated Incidentally Detected Imaging Findings Associated with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Are Common in Patients without Papilledema. American Journal of Roentgenology. February 2022.
Bridging the gap: interactive, case-based learning in radiology education. Abdominal Radiology. December 2021.
Factors Influential in the Selection of Radiology Residents in the Post–Step 1 World: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Journal of the American College of Radiology. November 2021.
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Research interests include resident education, head and neck cancer, temporal bone, orbital and sinonasal imaging.
Head and Neck SPORE Development Grant (08/01/2017 – 07/31/2020). Funding: $50,000. Role: PI. Sponsor: Head and Neck SPORE.
EI Grant (01/01/2018 – 06/30/2018). Funding: $11,000. Role: PI. Sponsor: University of Wisconsin-Madison.
2017 Ride Scholarship. Funding: $50,000. Role: CO-PI, PI: Greg Avey. Sponsor: Department of Human Oncology.
American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (10/1/2018- 9/30/2021). Core Curriculum Grant. Funding: $10,000. Role: PI. Sponsor: The American Society of Head and Neck Radiology.
Contact Administrative Support
John-Paul (JP) Yu, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor (CHS)
Program Director, Neuroradiology Fellowship
Associate Director, UW Medical Scientist Training Program
Dr. Yu is an Assistant Professor (tenure) in the Department of Radiology (Neuroradiology) and by courtesy, an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Yu joined the department in August 2015 after completing a Diagnostic Neuroradiology Fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Yu received his medical degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he also completed a PhD in Biophysics and Computational Biology. Dr. Yu currently leads a systems neuroscience laboratory housed in the Wisconsin Institutes for Medial Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His laboratory is currently aligned along three major thematic and interrelated areas of interest: (1) examining the impact of genes, the environment, and gene-environment interactions on quantitative brain microstructure in neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric illness; (2) biological validation and clinical translation of methodological innovations in diffusion weighted MRI for accurate diagnosis and tracking therapeutic outcomes in patient care, clinical trials, and patient-oriented research; and (3) development of MR and PET neuroimaging methods for the sensitive detection and characterization of microglial-driven neuroinflammation and synaptic loss in neurologic and psychiatric disease.
BA – Dartmouth College, Biophysical Chemistry
MD & PhD – University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Residencies & Internships
Internship, Preliminary Medicine – St. Mary’s Medical Center
Residency, Diagnostic Radiology – University of California, San Francisco
Neuroradiology – University of California, San Francisco
Board Certifications
Specialty/Subspecialty Certification
2015 – Diplomate, American Board of Radiology
2017 – Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ), Neuroradiology
Medical or Other Professional Licensure
2015 – Wisconsin
2010-2016 – California
National Honors
2020 Scialog Fellow, Research Corporation for Science Advancement (Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group and the Frederick Gardner Cottrell Foundation)
2019 Visiting Professor, Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
2018 Outstanding Presentation in Functional Neuroradiology, 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Neuroradiology
Research Awards
2017 KL2 Scholar, University of Wisconsin Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
2016 Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (NARSAD) Young Investigator Award
2014 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) R&E Research Fellow Grant
2014 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Roentgen Research Award
Professional Society Memberships
American Society of Functional Neuroradiology
The Western Neuroradiological Society
Wisconsin Medical Society
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
American College of Radiology
Association of University Radiologists
American Society of Neuroradiology
Radiological Society of North America
Departmental Committees
Advisory Committee – Basic Science Strategic Plan
Advisory Board – University of Wisconsin Small Animal Imaging and Radiotherapy Facility (SAIRF)
Institutional Review Board – Medical Scientist Training Program Steering Committee
School of Medicine and Public Health Scientific Review Committee
Medical Scientist Training Program Admissions Committee
Residency Selection Committee
Radiology Report: Integrative Systems Neuroimaging Laboratory
Dr. John-Paul Yu Selected as a Scialog Fellow
Dr. Yu Receives ASNR Outstanding Presentation Award
Clinical translational neuroimaging of the antioxidant effect of N-acetylcysteine on neural microstructure. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. February 2022.
Measuring interdisciplinarity of biomedical research, medical specialty performance, and implications for radiology: A retrospective review of 2.6 million citations. Clinical Imaging. December 2021.
Diagnostic accuracy and failure mode analysis of a deep learning algorithm for the detection of cervical spine fractures. American Journal of Neuroradiology. August 2021.
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Research interests include examining the impact of genes, the environment, and gene-environment interactions on quantitative brain microstructure in neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric illness; biological validation and clinical translation of methodological innovations in diffusion weighted MRI for accurate diagnosis and tracking therapeutic outcomes in patient care, clinical trials, and patient-oriented research; and development of MR and PET neuroimaging methods for the sensitive detection and characterization of microglial-driven neuroinflammation and synaptic loss in neurologic and psychiatric disease.
Gut microbial metabolites and Alzheimer’s disease (02/2021). Funding: $3.6 million. Role: PI. Sponsor: NIH/NIA R01.
Magnetic resonance phenotyping (10/21). Funding: $400,000. Role: PI. Sponsor: NIH/NIBIB
Impact of Missing Microbes on Brain Development (2021-2022). Funding: $50,000. Role: PI. Sponsor: Research Corporation for Science Advancement.
Genetic Drivers of Neural Structure and Function in Schizophrenia: A Systems Neuroscience Approach (2017-2021). Funding: $658,000. Role: PI. Sponsor: NIH / University of Wisconsin Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.