Scott B Reeder MD, PhD


  • Department Chair
  • John H. Juhl Professor and Chair of Radiology
  • Liver Imaging Research Program Director
Cardiovascular Imaging & Abdominal Imaging

Picture of Scott B Reeder, MD, PhD


Scott Reeder, MD, PhD is the John H. Juhl Professor and Chair of the Department of Radiology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He came to the UW in 2005 from Stanford University where he completed his radiology residency and a fellowship in abdominal and cardiovascular imaging. Previously, he completed medical school at Johns Hopkins University, where he also received his master’s degree and doctorate in biomedical engineering. Originally from Canada, he earned his bachelor of applied science (engineering physics) at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.

In addition to his clinical and administrative duties, Dr. Reeder is also the director of the UW Liver Imaging Research Program, an active NIH-funded group that performs research in technical development and translation of new imaging methods, particularly quantitative imaging biomarkers, to assess liver disease. Specific areas of research interests include development of new MRI methods for quantification of abdominal adiposity, liver fat, liver iron overload and other features of diffuse liver disease, quantification of perfusion in liver tumors, hemodynamics of portal hypertension and the use of new contrast agents in liver and biliary diseases. Dr. Reeder has authored over 350 manuscripts, is the inventor of over 40 inventions describing his clinical research and technical innovations, and has been awarded more than $22 million in extramural funding as principal investigator (PI) or co-PI.

Dr. Reeder is actively involved in many national and international societies, particularly the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) and the Society of Advanced Body Imaging (SABI). He is a fellow and past president at both societies. Dr. Reeder is also a fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), the Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR), and the American College of Radiology (ACR).


  • Medical School Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine - 1999
  • Internship Johns Hopkins University - Sinai Hospital - 2000
  • Residency Stanford University Medical Center - 2004
  • Fellowship Stanford University Medical Center - 2005
  • Fellowship Ludwig Maximilian University - Grosshadern Hospital - 2004
  • Graduate Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine - 1999


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