CT Colonography

CT colonography represents an effective noninvasive method to screen for colorectal cancer with sensitivities equivalent to colonoscopy without the risk of perforation or need for sedation. It uses low dose CT imaging with advanced visualization algorithms to use a combination of 2D and 3D images to detect at risk polyps and flat lesions.
UW has the longest, largest continuing experience world-wide. Over 13,000 individuals have been screened since 2004 in an active CTC CRC screening program. Faculty have authored over 300 CTC publications including two original research articles in the New England Journal of Medicine, a reference textbook, and innumerable presentations world wide.
The group was even spoofed on Saturday Night Live after one of their publications in 2007.
- Residents learn from faculty with extensive experience and expertise. Learn pearls and pitfalls that make be difficult to glean from books alone.
- Dedicated teaching file of 50+ cases with colonoscopy proof to see a variety of polyps including difficult serrated lesions. A final competency exam is available to evaluate skills.
- Learn programmatic aspects on how to create and efficiently run a screening program.